Monday, February 7, 2011

Playa del Carman, Mexico (photos taken by Googie)

We had a good holiday with a lovely big group of people I affectionately call 'the gang'. The gang consists of 7 friends (one of which wasn't able to come on the trip), the gang's kids (of which there are four...for now) and most of the gang's parents. I call them the grandparentals.There were a few downsides to the trip. Sammy and I were both sick, and the weather was only okay. There were also some problems with the booking. I guess 16 is just too many people for them to keep track of!? But we had many good times and really enjoyed travelling with all these lovely people. 

I was still pretty sick this day, but was determined to get out in the nice weather. Good thing, as the weather was about to change!

Hanging out at the swim-up bar.

It's a virgin drink, I promise.

The girls heading from the pool to lunch.

The gang plus kids. Grandparentals were at another table beside us.

The grandparentals on their day trip.

Playa del Carman

Who needs lunch when there is sand around!

Sammy surfing with a flutter board.

Sammy and Téa making a friend at the kiddie pool.

It is about 2 AM Mexico time.