Monday, January 31, 2011

More Christmas Photos

I am almost done with the Christmas photos. Just in time to move on with pictures from our trip to Mexico. Stay tuned!

We are trying to be angelic. It's apparently not in our nature! This at Van Dusen gardens.

Sammy's first visit of the season. 

For some reason Santa insisted on sitting on Brad's knee!? I think Santa was hitting on my husband!

Sammy and Emily at Em's 5th birthday party, just before Christmas

My father-in-law has maintained that Miles looks like Andrew. He knows that it is impossible as Andrew is my stepfather. However, looking at this photo I can see what he is talking about.

Sammy's new haircut.

Bedtime story for Brian.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tony's Christmas Photos

Here are many Christmas photos taken by my brother, Tony. I have come to rely heavily on Tony's photography as he is so good at it and has an amazing camera. I suppose it shouldn't come as too big of a surprise that the film maker does great still photography! I'm posting too many photos because I can't decide which ones to leave out. Thanks Coco Tony!

Sammy opening a Christmas present from Jo (Tony's girlfriend) while wearing a Christmas present from Katy and Ron - her princess attire!

What can I say, except...adorable!?

Waiting in line to see Santa

'WOW!! Who is this big guy with all the facial hair?' Miles did manage to give the beard a good tug. a little enthusiasm Moma!!

I wonder which one of them started this game?

Christmas morning

Sammy looking cute in her Wizard's cape. Me looking insane in her Wizard's hat!

Mating season..?

Sammy's thinking, " Please parents, not at the dinner table!" Googie doesn't look all that impressed by it either.

Sammy in her wild forest, otherwise known as Moma and Googie's backyard.

Sammy is in a phase right now where she does not want her photo taken. Therefore, we end up with a lot of photos like this one!

Super Moma!

Jo and Miles (wearing his new hat knitted by Jo)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas 2010

Miles wearing his Christmas shirt and blazer. He's so metro!

This is Sammy with her friend Téa at a birthday party for our friend Ron. The girls are now at that age where you can let them go off to play together and only be concerned if things seem a bit too quiet!! Deanna found these two goofs curled up pretending to sleep.

She is looking so grown up already!

Miles wants to know how his stocks are doing.

I think they are doing well!

Our little reindeer.

Moma gets in to the spirit of things.

Brad displaying two of his Christmas gifts.

Tony and I heading out for a Christmas Day run. I have recently taken up running, more seriouly this time, and run with my friend Deanna. Tony has been running in The Pas so while he was in town we had a few runs together.