Saturday, December 10, 2011

I haven't posted in over a month, and this is after having promised the blog gods to post fewer photos more often. I blame my husband. Brad is a computer hog! Yes, that's right I am now blaming Brad for my laziness. This is a sign of a healthy marriage!?  

Sammy pretending to be Googie (Andrew)

Apparently, Brian doesn't think much of Miles' book choice!

Our fantastic cat is really more like a dog than a cat. He is huge, extremely social and a total character with a human name - Brian. He is quite incredible with our kids and he loves sleeping with them and in their beds. Sam, Miles and Brian are all good buddies. 

I found Sam sitting this way and what I love most of all is that she is reading the Lee Valley Christmas gift catalogue!

Some serious pumpkin carving going on here.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I have tried to post photos twice in the past week or so and both times I have been unsuccessful at uploading my pics. Is this a sign? Are the web blog gods telling me that I load up too many photos? Oh, well! I choose not to listen. But I will try to post fewer photos more often. Does that work?
Here are a few iphone pics from the past couple of weeks.

This is the school playground across the street.

Same here, but on a different day.

Miles hanging out at the Whole Foods kids play area while I get a much needed latte.

Gym class. Miles is wearing his ninja costume as this is a couple of days before Halloween.

Sammy just loves trees.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


We had a great time trick-or-treating with family and friends, after having fed the kids soup and sandwiches - an attempt to get something nutritious in them before the constant stream of candy and chocolate! Most of these photos were taken by others as our camera was out of juice early in the evening. Thanks guys!

As one might expect, Sammy and Téa were thrilled with trick-or-treating as this was the year they both fully understood what was happening, while it was happening. The surprise was how much the younger siblings enjoyed it all. Both Eve and Miles had a blast and kept their costumes on the whole time.

After dinner, just before heading out.

A princess and a fairy princess. Princesses are big with the four year old crowd!

Any excuse for Googie...

...and Moma to dress up!

Miles and Moma shaking their tails!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Race Day!

This past Sunday I did my first trail race ever. In fact, assuming the Sun Run doesn't really count, it was my first race of any kind. I completed my 10 k in 1:15 39 which, for a trail run, I'm pretty happy with. The best part is that I managed the run pain free, and my recovery has been pretty good too. I've been recovering from injury for quite a while now so 'pain free' is a great outcome! Thanks Tanja for joining me on the run. One day I hope to be able to keep up with you!! Thanks Katy for training with me. Hopefully, we'll all be running the next one together. Thanks family and friends for cheering me on. You rock!

Moments after finishing

Here I come...

and there I go.

Time to clean the trail runners

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thanksgiving is also often Téa's birthday. Here the girls are reading a princess book at Téa's birthday brunch. 

Turkey time

We spent one evening at the Stanley Park Halloween train. I was a little concerned that it would be too scary, but the kids were fine. We made a point of riding the train before it got too dark, just in case.

Miles moments after having fallen and scraped his face...hence the redness on his nose.

Sammy trying to win a prize

The hat stayed on only long enough for me to get a picture!

"What is in there?"

(The following photos, and commentary, are from Andrew.)

Apple Barn

We spent a morning at Apple Barn with the Mayson family, picking apples, riding ponies, and playing in the pumpkin fields. Oh yeah, and we also picked some very tasty apples!

Téa giving Sammy a push

The girls enjoying the bouncy castle slide

Who knew that tigers live in pumpkin fields..?

Miles quite liked the roasted corn on the cobb...very tasty!

Miles stealing apples from Brian and Tanja's bag

Miles doing quality control and this apple passes!

The best ones are up high